MITVANA Neem Toner's key herbal ingredient is Neem.
Neem helps control excess oil, unclogs pores and also keeps skin glowing and looking taut. It works on all skin types. It has anti-bacterial properties which help keep skin infections at bay. It also has the property of lightening acne scars and pigmentation. It does not contain alchohol like many other toners and therefore does not dry the skin which would damage it in the long run.
For better results, clean your face with MITVANA Cleansing Milk (or any other cleansing product), then take a few drops of MITVANA Neem Toner on a cotton pad or a soft cloth. Spread it thoroughly across face and neck and then wipe it off.
Can be used for all skin types
For External use only. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or if a rash develops.
No Side Effects, Hypoallergenic
200ml bottle
MITVANA Cleansing Milk