Common Name: Bahera,Bibhitaki, Baheda
English Name: Belliric Myrobalan, Beddanut
Botanical Name: Terminalia bellirica Roxb.
Family: Combretaceae
Description: Terminalia bellirica is a large deciduous tree up to 50 m tall and a diametre of 3 m with a rounded crown. The frequently buttressed bole at the base is branchless up to 20 m.
Chemical Constituents: The main actives present are ß- sitosterol, gallic acid, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose and chebulaginic acid.
Properties: Digestive, Anthelmintic, Expectorant, Stypic, Ophthalmic, Antipyretic, Antiemetic and Rejuvenating. Unripe fruit is an mild laxative and ripe fruit is an astringent. Seeds are used as aphrodisiac. Oil extract from the seed pulp is used in leucoderma and alopecia.
Used in the following MATXIN product: