Common Name: Ashok, Kankeli
English Name:Ashok Tree
Botanical Name: Saraca asoca (Roxb.) De Wilde; Syn. Saraca indica Linn.
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Description: Saraca indica is a small evergreen tree. The leaves are paripinnate with 6 to 12 leaflets, oblong and ]. It is found throughout India, especially in Himalaya, Kerala, Bengal and whole south region.
Chemical Constituents: Five lignan glycosides, lyoniside, nudiposide, 5-methoxy-9-β-xylopyranosyl, isolariciresinol, icariside E3, and schizandriside, and three flavonoids, (−)-epicatechin, epiafzelechin-(4β→8)-epicatechin and procyanidin B2, together with β-sitosterol glucoside, were isolated from dried bark.
Properties: Ashoka helps to check kidney stone. Bark of Ashoka tree is useful in amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea and other gynaecological disorders. Use of Ashoka bark increases the strength muscle of uterus. It helps in painful menstruation and excessive bleeding.
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