Common Name: Rusmary,
English Name: Rosemary
Botanical Name: Rosemarinus officinalis Linn
Family: Lamiaceae
Description: The herb of rosemary has several ash colored branches, and the bark is rather scaly and it grows upto a height of three feet. The leaves are with a prominent vein in the middle and margins which are rolled down on the sides. The evergreen leaves of this herb are about 1 inch long, linear, revolute, dark green above and paler and glandular beneath, with an odour pungently aromatic and somewhat camphoraceous. Colored a dark shade of green above and white below, the leaves of the rosemary give off a beautiful fragrance, and with its small pale blue flowers.
Chemical Constituents: The main constituents of the Rosemary oils are p-cymene, linalool, gamma-terpinene, thymol , beta-pinene, alpha-pinene and eucalyptol.
Properties: Rosemary is one of best hair tonics and helps in hair growth. A few drops of the essential oil can be applied directly to the scalp or hair brush to restore dry, fly away hair and make it shine. Rosemary essential oil stimulates hair follicles and circulation in the scalp, which may help prevent premature baldness. Use rosemary on a continuing basis for a healthy scalp that encourages healthy hair growth and slows hair loss. Use rosemary in skin care to tone and soften skin.
Used in the following MATXIN products: