Science of Herbs


Punica granatum        

Punica GranatumCommon Name: Anar
English Name: Pomegranate
Botanical Name: Punica granatum

Description:  This is fruit bearing deciduous tree and it grows up to 8-10 feet in height. Stem woody and spiny, bark smooth and dark grey. Leaves are oblong or obovate and oppositely placed. Flowers are regular, solitary. Fruits are like a  round berry with leathery pericarp. Interior has pink colour pulp like tissues with embedded seeds.

Chemical Compositions: Pomogranate contains flavonoids, tannins and other phenolic compounds. It also contains a high concentration of proanthrocyanin compound.

Properties: Promegranate rind is used in the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, piles and bleeding.

Used in the following MATXIN products:

  • Belorina capsules