Common Name: Kumari, Ghikwar
English Name: Common Indian Aloe
Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis Mill, Syn. A.vera Tourn. ex Linn.
Family: Liliaceae
Description: This is a shrubby or arborescent, perennial, xerophytic, succulent, pea- green color plant. It grows mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. In India, it is found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.
Chemical Constituents: Principal constituents of leaves are aloins, which include barbaloin, isobarbaloin and ß-barbaloin and other anthraquinone glycosides such as emodin, aloe-emodin, chrysophanol, and chrysophanic acid. Resins, sterols, such as holesterol, campesterol and ß-sitosterol. Triterpenes, cuomarins saponins, carbohydrates, uronic acid, oils, amino acids, enzymes vitamin C and group B vitamins, citric, L-malic and formic acids are also present in this plant. Three new chromone components, 8- C-glucosyl-7-O-methyl-(S)-aloesol, isoaloeresin D and aloeresin E have been isolated from the leaves. Two steroid glucoside, ß-sitosterol and lupeol have also been isolated from the leaves. Recently several prostaglandin and fatty acid compounds have been discovered in the extract of this plant.
Properties: The plant is cooling, purgative, tonic,anthelmintic, carminative and digestive. The juice of the leaves is used externally for burns and sprains; internally in habitual constipation and also for loss of appetite, jaundice, asthma, leucorrhoea, gas formation in the stomach. It is regarded valuable in the treatment of piles, rectal fissures. Juice is used as a poultice in inflammation and chronic ulcers. It is also used in the preparations of skin care lotions and in shampoo as hair tonic.
Used in the following MATXIN products: